Taken from http://pusi.com/~contest/ Subject: cyberthrill casino This is not an adult site, BUT they encourage adult webmasters to advertise for them, so they are in the same league, i have spoke with MANY webmasters, they all say they cheat, and from my experience, they DO NOT pay, they accuse everyone of cheating, and then cancell all warnings and say to email them if you have evidence you didnt cheat?? how?? we all want to know....so i emailed them and requested since they cancelled ALL my earnings to send me EVIDENCE i cheated since they are accusing me and many others and they NEVER replies, have you had any similar complaints about them? maybe you should post something, so webmasters are aware they are SCUM. Taken from http://jr.ynotnetwork.com/programs/ynotbbs/ynotbbs_view.cgi?ynotbbs_bbsid=ClickThru_adultde&ynotbbs_misc_fields=program_title,program_url&program_title=Cyberthrill%20Casino&program_url=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2eos3%2ecom%2fcyberthrill Cyberthrill emailed me and offered to pay me $20 for every cheater I reported to them and it would be credited to my account. I reported over 30 cheaters over the next two weeks but no credit was showing up. I e-mailed banner@cyberthrill.com and no response. I e-mailed again, still no response. I then proceeded to e-mail sponsor@cyberthrill.com but no response. I finally e-mailed webmaster@cyberthrill.com and this time I received a response saying "we have new cheating software and we already know of all the cheaters, we will not pay you for the cheaters you have sent us". I think all the webmasters have learned a valuable lesson from all of this - Be weary of companies that pay high click rates. I own about 20 different adult sites on the net. I thought that CyberThrill would be great, so I put them on top of most of my pages. It came to about two months - and not one payment. I started to get worried, so I contacted them and they said that they have to check for fraud first. Then it came three months, but I did not worry because I knew that we had done nothing wrong. However, by the point that the total got to about $3,000.00 - I started to get worried. I contacted them and they said checks went out yesterday - a week later, I contacted them again and they said that checks just went out again! So I said fine, later that day - they said that they checked a few of my sites and that I was defrauding them. I could not believe it. Finally after a week of asking why, they wrote me and told me that I was redirecting them to one of my sites first and that was misleading. I told them that the only reason that the link first hit another site, was that the site was setup for the purposes of keeping track of unique hits. They still said that this was misleading. I told them that if they would click on the link - that they would see - that it instantly goes to their site and not mine. They did not care and said that I was trying to defraud them. Unfortunately - we have given them 1,000's of people and about 20 webmasters. Later that day I found this site - only wish that I did about $3,000.00 ago.